Back to Life, Back to the Blog Era…

A lot has changed.

We got electric cars, talking robots, and mini-computers in the palm of our hands. Progress, right? It’s a sign of growth.

We live in a time where everything feels like it’s on this conveyor belt of change at what seems like warp speed. And don’t get me wrong, change can be good, but it can also be nerve-wracking. And You find yourself in this loop of always playing catch up, competing with lifestyles that don’t even resonate, and in a perpetual state of feeling like you aren’t doing enough. Things can get pretty intense.

Things are pretty intense.

I recall a time (wow, I've become a “back in my day” person) when people wore pajamas and lived life slow (yes, this is a reference IYKYK). A time when I didn't feel the need to race against a clock, filter out my imperfections, or overly invest in vanity metrics. A time when I created ‘just because’ and made more space and time for expression—through what I wore, the style of my hair, and the many “projects” started with the soul (spelling intentional) purpose of two-stepping with my creativity.

I had a time, you hear me!

One of my favorite moments was the Blog Era. I was a Tumblr Chick turned Blogger Babe. Looking back on it, I wholeheartedly enjoyed this time of my life. I freely explored different paths and allowed myself to play, dream, and create. I honestly don’t remember stressing about anything major during this time. I mean, I’m sure there were stressors, such is life. However, I don’t recall stress taking up that much space. It was a minor player in my game of exploration and discovery.

2023 has been a very interesting year for me. I've been doing a lot of remembering and reflecting. Remembering when I felt most aligned with myself and reflecting on the different versions of me I've experienced up until now. I've thought about how many times I've changed directions while on the journey of “doing me” and the countless revelations received from lessons learned.

Life is funny. This series of upward or downward spirals (of our choosing) circling back to things sent to spark and seal our fates.

So here I am, having my own little Blog Era Renaissance. Getting back to the parts of myself that value expression and evolution.

I’m not 100% sure where this path will lead me, but I’m sure there will be some noteworthy scenery along the way. I’m here to create, so I’m reminding myself what it feels like to be an ‘artist of life’.

If you're here reading this, thank you for joining me. If you're not already, I hope something you experience in this space inspires you to get back to the things that make your soul smile—so you can orchestrate your own adventure with divinity.

with flow,

Chandra M.


The Rollercoaster of Depression